Gregory Horror Show
The Gregory Horror (GHS) is an was originally created by Naomi Iwata as a manga, and has been adapted in to 4 series' of anime and a game.
The anime starts off as a young man walking home, but getting lost in the woods and ending up in front of Gregory House, and there he meets Gregory, the owner off the hotel and many other characters along the way ^w^ He has to go through many ways to get out of the hotel and escape. It is a great anime and as you carry on watching it, you will start to find the characters lovable, no matter how creepy they seem. The animation isn't like any other anime, it is block-type characters, and the animations are only 3-ish minutes long. Do not get put off by only that though, the anime is great, and well made, and the storyline doesn't drag :3 So it is enjoyable and a must watch for anime fans ^_^
This is my Facebook page for Gregory Horror Show :
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Here are some Gregory Horror Show pictures:
These are the Characters
This is figures of Gregory Horror Show
Other Awesome GHS pics:
This is the link to the video:
This is my Facebook page for Gregory Horror Show :
I already have 16 likes ^_^ Please help add to it :3
Here are some Gregory Horror Show pictures:
These are the Characters
This is figures of Gregory Horror Show
Other Awesome GHS pics:
This is the link to the video:
Enjoy \(^o^)/
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